For a long time, I have been aware that God wants to speak to us. He is the God who created us and our world, and he knows far more about our lives, communities, nations and world than we do! However, often we forget to ask him what he is saying and then we find it hard to listen and hear because we are not used to doing it. Especially in Western cultures we are used to basing everything on scientific information, the news, public opinion and now more than ever, social media. Not that any of these things are wrong-just that none of them have the complete picture.
As I hear, feel and see what God is saying and doing, I ask him to show me how to share what he is saying, so that others can benefit. What he says may bring comfort, wisdom, shock or disruption. But we can be sure that everything he says and does is to bring change for good.
I have called the website “Bridge the Gap” because I can see there is often a gap for people between the spiritual, unseen world and the natural, seen world around them. A gap between our own thoughts and ideas and God’s. The gap is not actually real, it is in our perspective and so I hope these posts will give a new perspective. One that can help bridge those gaps and ultimately bring life and hope and wellness to people.